Experiments were carried out at the lab-scale to study the effect of a shearing action in a compression dewatering process. The impact of different process parameters, such as shear rate, filter-cake thickness, and pressure, on the final dry solid fraction was analyzed. Also, materials with different degrees of compressibility have been used. For slightly and moderately compressible materials (talc and kaolin, respectively), significantly higher final dry solid fractions (up to 0.79 wt/wt with talc and 0.75 wt/wt with kaolin) were obtained in the presence of a torsion shear. This behavior may mainly be explained by a rearrangement of the solid particles within the cake induced by the radial forces. A low shear rate (around 0.7 s−1) was generally sufficient to cause a quite significant increase in the cake dryness (a 12.8% increase was observed with 11-mm-thick talc cakes). A further increase in the shear did not lead to noticeable changes in the final dry solid fraction in the cakes. Otherwise, reducing the filter-cake thickness was beneficial for the dewatering. For talc cakes, the dry solid fraction was increased by 21% for a 3 mm thickness against 7% for a 25 mm thickness. With a highly compressible material, such as activated sludge, the filter-cake dryness did not change with the application of a shearing action. This behavior may be mainly attributed to the fact that biological sludge dewatering is markedly influenced by a low permeability skin at the cake/medium interface, which is very thin and not perturbed by shear forces, due to the cake thickness. The low rigidity of the solid matter in this particular case may also limit the reorientation of the particles.