The precessing vortex core (PVC) is the dominant coherent structure of swirling jets, which are commonly applied in gas turbine combustion. It stems from a global hydrodynamic instability that is caused by internal feedback mechanisms in the jet core. In this work, we apply open and closed-loop forcing in a generic non-reacting jet to control this mechanism and the PVC. Control is exerted by two oppositely facing, counter-phased zero-net mass flux jets, which are introduced radially into the flow through a thin lance positioned on the jet center axis. By using this type of forcing, the instability mode m = 1, corresponding to the PVC, can either be excited or damped. This markedly affects the PVC oscillation frequency and amplitude. The passive influence of the actuation lance on the mean flow field properties and the coherent flow dynamics is studied first without forcing. PIV and hot-wire measurements reveal an effect on the mean flow, but no qualitative changes of the PVC dynamics. Lock-in experiments are conducted, in which the synchronization behavior of the PVC with the forcing is determined. Here, two different cases are considered. First, actuation is applied at different streamwise positions in order to identify the region of highest receptivity towards external forcing. This region of lowest lock-in amplitude is shown to coincide with the location of the wavemaker, shortly upstream of the vortex breakdown bubble. Second, the lock-in behavior at a fixed axial position and various forcing frequencies ff is studied. A linear correlation between the lock-in amplitude and the deviation of the forcing frequency from the natural oscillation frequency |ff – fn| is observed. Closed-loop control is then applied with the aim to suppress the PVC. The actuator lance is positioned in the wavemaker region, where the flow is most receptive. Magnitude and phase of the natural flow oscillation associated with the PVC are estimated from four hot-wire signals using an extended Kalman filter. The estimated PVC signal is phase-shifted and fed back to the actuator. PIV measurements reveal that feedback control achieves a reduction of the PVC oscillation energy of about 40%.