The purpose of this study was to examine how male youth cricket players coped with performance-related worries. Thirty-three male players (M age= 11.9 years) each completed two concept maps (Novak & Gowan, 1984) detailing (a) recent performance worries they had experienced playing cricket; and,(b) their associated coping responses. Data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to an inductive analysis procedure. Following initial inductive analysis, coping responses were deductively classified based on the apparent macro-level coping function they were intended to serve (ie, problem-focused or emotion-focused coping). Results revealed that the majority of performance worries involved making mistakes. In total, 43% of coping responses cited to deal with these performance worries served an emotion-focused coping function (ie, thought control, blocking/ignoring, confidence boosting, emotional control, rationalization, teammate support), whereas 41% of coping responses served a problem-focused coping function (ie, focus on technical points, practice, use of protective equipment, increase effort). Finally, 16% of responses reflected'no coping.'Results are discussed in light of the developing body of youth sport coping research.