Development of technology in educational field brings the easier ways through the variety of facilitation for learning process, sharing files, giving assignment and assessment. Automated Essay Scoring (AES) is one of the development systems for determining a score automatically from text document source to facilitate the correction and scoring by utilizing applications that run on the computer. AES process is used to help the lecturers to score efficiently and effectively. Besides it can reduce the subjectivity scoring problem. However, implementation of AES depends on many factors and cases, such as language and mechanism of scoring process especially for essay scoring. A number of methods implemented for weighting the terms from document and reaching the solutions for handling comparative level between documents answer and expert's document still defined. In this research, we implemented the weighting of Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method and Cosine Similarity with the measuring degree concept of similarity terms in a document. Tests carried out on a number of Indonesian text-based documents that have gone through the stage of pre-processing for data extraction purposes. This process results is in a ranking of the document weight that have closesness match level with expert's document.