The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Library is establishing an institutional repository (IR) to preserve, and provide wider visibility and accessibility for, its intellectual outputs. In order to understand stakeholders’ views a needs assessment survey was conducted. The objectives of the study were to assess users’ levels of awareness of IRs, users’ interest in the establishment of an IR, and users’ recommendation on the types of materials to be included in the IR. In addition, the survey intended to take users’ view on the modality of deposition, moderation, access and use of IR materials. The sample was drawn from UDSM academic and administrative staff, and postgraduate and undergraduate students. A purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample from the population, and secondary data was collected using a documentary review. Primary data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Research tools were tested to check validity, reliability and clarity. Both qualitative and quantitative data for the study were analysed and presented. Quantitative and Qualitative data were codified and analysed using SPSS and content analysis respectively, The study reveals that most users at UDSM are not aware of the institutional repository. In comparison with other users, academic staff are aware of the IR and because of this, they use the IR to access and disseminate materials. Postgraduate students follow by using the IR to access materials; administrators use the IR to disseminate, in contrast to postgraduate students. Undergraduate students have low levels of awareness and few of them use IR for any purpose.