Anisotropic features with other crystallographic properties like d-spacing, and attachment energy (Eatt) can predict material performance during the secondary pharmaceutical processing. A newly developed state-of-the-art compression cell lodged in a powder X-ray diffractometer was used to measure anisotropic Young’s moduli (YM) of flufenamic acid (FFA) polymorphs in this study. Methodology is based on the generation of a single crystal deformation in this cell, which reflects as a change in the d-spacing in the PXRD pattern. Anisotropic YM was calculated from such information gathered along different FFA planes. Measured FFA crystallographic molecular features were concatenated to understand macroscopic compaction (Heckel and Shapirao’s parameters) and tableting performance. Block shaped crystals of FFA form I, and III after initial characterization with SEM, DSC, PXRD, and FTIR were compressed normal to X, Y, and Z-planes, identified from calculated PXRD pattern using the reported single crystal structure. YM of X and Y planes of form I was significantly higher than corresponding planes of form III. Z plane of form III showed significantly higher YM than that for form I. Low YM of form III can be attributed to its large d-spacing regardless of their high Eatt than form I, as well as orientation of supramolecular acid dimer (Osingle bondH⋯O) homosynthon chains in the FFA planes. FFA form I stiffness was further confirmed with lower densification and higher yield pressure of deformation than form III. Clearly, form III exhibited better compressibility, compactibility, and tableting performance than form I due to favorable molecular and macroscopic features. Thus, developed anisotropic measurement approach can be used to distinguish material performance in the early development stage of the pharmaceutical processes.