Rice is an important crop throughout the world and is the staple food for about half the world's population. For better breeding and improved production, we need to know the function of rice molecules which facilitate their function through interactions with each other. The database of interacting proteins in Oryza sativa (DIPOS) provides comprehensive information of interacting proteins in rice, where the interactions are predicted using two computational methods, i.e., interologs and domain based methods. DIPOS contains 14 614 067 pairwise interactions among 27 746 proteins, covering about 41% of the whole Oryaza sativa proteome. Furthermore, each interaction is assigned a confidence score which further enables biologists to sort out the important proteins. Biological explanations of pathways and interactions are also provided based on the database. Public access to the DIPOS is available at http://csb.shu.edu.cn/dipos and http://ppi.riceresearch.info.
The Royal Society of Chemistry