Enantiomeric recognition phenomena play an important role in a variety of physical, chemical, and biological pro-cess. Examples include sensing, determination of concentrations, separations of enantiomers, catalysis reactions, and incorporation of single enantiomeric forms of amino acids and sugars in biochemical pathways. It involves the discrimination between enantiomers of the guest by a chiral receptor or a chiral matrix. One area of recent interest is the enantiomeric recognition through interaction of macrocyclic ligands with chiral organic ammonium salts." Several research groups have carried out works involving these host-guest systems. Cram and his co-workers published their pioneering studies on the use of chiral macrocyclic ligands in enantiomeric recognition and a great number of chiral macrocycles have been synthesized and studied." Izatt and his co-workers have reported chiral re-cognition of primary aromatic ammonium salts." Echavarren and his co-workers have studied enantiomeric recognition of zwitter ionic hydrogen bonding of carboxylate and guan-idine."