Insufficient mixing in laminar flow reactors due to diffusion‐dominated flow limits their use in applications where narrow residence time distribution (RTD) is required. The aim of this study was to design and characterize a laminar flow (Re 187.7–375.5) tubular reactor for low pH viral inactivation with enhanced radial mixing via the incorporation of curvature and flow inversions. Toward this aim, the reactor described here, Jig in a Box (JIB), was designed with a flow path consisting of alternating 270° turns. The design was optimized by considering the strength of secondary flows characterized by the Dean No., the corresponding secondary flow development length, and the reactor turn lengths. Comprehensive CFD analysis of the reactor centerline velocity profile, cross‐sectional velocity, and secondary flow streamlines confirmed enhanced radial mixing due to secondary flows and changes in flow direction. For initial CFD and experimental studies the reactor was limited to a 16.43 m length. Pulse tracer studies for the reactor were computationally simulated and experimentally generated to determine the RTD, RTD variance, and minimum residence time for the tracer fluid elements leaving the reactor, as well as to validate the computational model. The reactor was scaled length wise to increase incubation time and it was observed that as the reactor length increases the RTD variance increases linearly and the dimensionless RTD profile becomes more symmetrical and tighter about the mean residence time.