Besides solar cells in the energy utilization of electromagnetic waves, antennas can also be used as a source of energy in the utilization of electromagnetic waves. An antenna that can convert electromagnetic energy into electrical energy is called a rectifier antenna (rectenna). Various kinds of antenna have been used as rectenna based on various literature. The Log Periodic Dipole Array antenna is known as a directional and wideband antenna where it is a potential for rectenna. Therefore, the design of rectifier antenna (rectenna) by using microstrip log antenna periodic dipole array. In addition to the antenna that becomes an important component, the rectifier circuit is an instrument that converts electromagnetic waves into DC electrical energy. The created rectifier is a circuit with a rectifier circuit. This rectenna is made to work at a frequency of 850 and 900 MHz. The source of the electromagnetic waves comes from the antenna horn given the signal and variation by the signal generator. Beside that, the distance variation from horn antenna and rectenna is taken. After that these variation is measure of DC voltage out using voltmeter.