In the last few years the interest towards the study of solutions centred on the human has been growing greatly especially thanks to huge development of technologies in the field of wearable devices. This class of products requires to use designer's sensibility to address issues by meeting not only technological requirements, but also user needs with a human-centred approach.
Through the understanding and the use of technological innovations coming from the research in progress on microtechnologies, designers should catch the opportunity, supported by an approach able to interpret correctly the requests, and develop design solutions in accordance to current changes.
The paper describes an experimental design method that is the result of a combination between different approaches. The effectiveness of such an approach is shown through an educational experience held at Politecnico di Milano during the international post-master course New Tech style Design. The text goes through technology changes, the role of human body, the ergonomics, the wearability issue for a better approach in designing wearable devices, a succession of inspirations for new products and services that can be interesting for designers because it brings people and their experiences together at the core point of an innovative approach.