Teacher’s job satisfaction has been considered a very important element in the training and development of pupils in their early academic years. This study investigates the impact of five determinants of the teacher’s job satisfaction in the context of primary and secondary schools, when controlling for their age, gender, experience, marital status and education. These five determinants include occupational stress, empowerment, interpersonal relationships, working conditions and self-efficacy. A sample, of 280 respondents, is drawn from school teachers of Karachi. Principal component and hierarchical multiple regression analyses are used to test the proposed hypotheses. With exception of self-efficacy, the results show that occupational stress, empowerment, interpersonal relationships and working conditions have been found statistically significant predictor of teacher’s job satisfaction in Karachi. Therefore, the school administration and management should mainly concentrate on developing interpersonal relationships as well as providing them with a suitable working conditions. Consequently, school teachers could remain satisfied with their job which may lead to produce better candidates for the higher education as well as highly-competitive professionals for different manufacturing and service industries. Moreover, teachers should also be given an appropriate level of autonomy to manage the academic affairs of students in classrooms. It would not only help them reduce their occupational stress but also enhance their level of job satisfaction. Managerial implications and areas for future research are also discussed.