The Five-Factor Borderline Inventory (FFBI) is a 120-item dimensional measure of borderline personality disorder (BPD) that was developed from the description of BPD from the perspective of the Five-Factor Model. The FFBI includes 12 subscales and 1 total score. The current study created a short form of the FFBI (FFBI-SF) using item response theory analyses based on an undergraduate student sample that completed the FFBI. Based on the results, the final FFBI-SF included 48 items, with 4 items per subscale. The construct validity of the short form was compared with the original FFBI in five additional samples. The FFBI-SF showed strong convergence with other BPD scales and comparable convergent and discriminant validity with the FFM compared with the FFBI. The correlational profiles generated by the total score and subscales were highly convergent. Results of the current study suggest that the FFBI-SF may be an accessible and useful assessment tool of BPD.