This paper demonstrates a case of personal identification that initially seemed straightforward, mainly because complete and comprehensive antemortem dental records of a missing person were made available for analysis. Skeletal remains were found and the skull (most crucial for human identification) was delivered for analysis. Comparative analysis of antemortem and postmortem dental records excluded identification, while the results of superimposition (simultaneously performed by another team member) revealed sufficient concordant points to establish identity. The results caused confusion and additional information was required. The need for more evidence resulted in delivery of elements of the postcranial skeleton. Identification was finally achieved when concordant points were established in a comparison of antemortem X-rays and the humerus. Team members concluded that the dental records were in fact not adequate and that mistakes in numbering the teeth (superior canine instead inferior canine and right and left premolars) were considered to be the initial reason a positive identification had not been made. The authors conclude that a multidisciplinary approach is crucial to making a positive identification and that caution should be exercised when carrying out personal identification from dental records alone. The need to adequately train police officers to collect and preserve dental evidence is also emphasized.