This study examines the ways of delivering natural disasters theme of children’s story books. The method of collecting data was a document review with qualitative descriptive analysis. The theories used are Social Cognition Discourse Theory by Van Dijk (2014) and Visual Semiotics Theory by Danesi (2010). The results of the study showed that the disaster discourse in the children’s story books with the theme of earthquakes and tsunamies was written out of concern and admiration for the struggle of the minority communities affected by the Japan tsunami who collaborated to fight for life as facing the disasters. The disaster discourse is produced with the aim of educating the public, especially children, as future generations to be responsive to natural disasters, especially earthquakes and tsunamis. The stories of the earthquake and Tsunami disaster are told through words and pictures that are simply expressed and not vulgar according to the child’s cognition level. Natural disasters are natural events that will one day occur so that in writing disaster discourse into stories, it should not make readers afraid of disasters.