The trunk is known to be the most important key point where sensory inputs are received and motor responses occur, necessary for the maintenance of balance and postural control. The aims of the present study were to investigate the relationship between balance with core stability and position sense of trunk in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS) and to compare core stability, position sense of trunk and balance in PwMS and healthy controls.
The study was completed with 45 PwMS and 29 healthy controls with matching age and gender. Balance was assessed with Postural Stability Test (PST) and Modified Sensory Organization Test (MSOT) by using Biodex Balance System®. Core stability was evaluated with core endurance tests according to McGill procedure. Position sense of trunk was evaluated with the lumbosacral (LS) reposition tests by using Dualer IQTM digital inclinometer.
PST, MSOT and LS repositioning tests scores were higher (p