This paper presents a study on the failure mechanisms of OSB-to-timber and steel-to-timber nailed connections and the ductility that such connection typologies reach in relation to the failure mechanisms. OSB-to-timber and steel-to-timber connections are the dissipative zones of Light-Frame Timber and Cross-Laminated Timber buildings and consequently a ductile behaviour is expected from these connections. The paper presents a sensitivity study based on the failure mechanisms of the European Yield Model and on the capacity design strategy used at level of the connections to ensure ductile failure mechanisms. The analysis was performed varying the geometries and mechanical properties of timber members and steel parts in the range of values used in construction practice. The analysis highlighted the improbability of reaching non-ductile failure mechanisms with the characteristics of the nails currently available on the market. Subsequently, results of the sensitivity analysis were used to design an experimental campaign to investigate the ductility of the connections in relation to the failure mechanism achieved. Monotonic and cyclic tests of the nailed connections showed a ductile behaviour in most of the cases with plastic hinges in the shank of the nails.