We performed systematically studies on the magnetostatic and magnetodynamic properties of obliquely deposited Co 2 FeSi thin films. By varying the oblique deposition angle of Co 2 FeSi films, we induced a large in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy field with the maximum value of 626.7 Oe at oblique angle of 39, which significantly enhanced its zero-field ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency up to 10.8 GHz. The magnetodynamic parameters such as Gilbert damping factor and exchange stiffness of Co 2 FeSi films were determined from the uniform FMR mode and the first perpendicular standing spin-wave, respectively. It is found that the Gilbert damping factor can be easily tuned from 0.006 to 0.013 by changing oblique deposition angle, whereas the exchange stiffness stays almost constant. These Co 2 FeSi films with tunable magnetic properties might be a good candidate for applications in both conventional and spintronics microwave devices.