In wireless sensor networks, a Mobile Collector (MC) is used to gather data by periodically traversing the network to avoid hotspot or energy-hole issues. Although the MC’s data collection process and network performance can be enhanced by determining suitable set of Stop Points (SPs), it is challenging to find the best set of SPs and schedule an effective MC trajectory. Much attention has been received to MC’s path planning through SPs in a static environment where the path is determined during the initial phase, but they do not emphasize the nodes’ coverage rate and cannot be adapted to network topology changes. In this context, we propose an Efficient Trajectory Planning method for Coverage Enhanced Data collection in WSN (ETP-CED). We introduce an enhanced method based on integrated Particle Swarm Optimization and Ant Colony Optimization for selecting the best set of SPs and planning efficient MC trajectory. ETP-CED is adaptive to node failures, allowing the nodes to reposition themselves to patch up coverage holes in the network. MC readjusts its planned path when there are less nodes in the network due to node failures, thereby shortening the trajectory length and speeding up data delivery. The results show that ETP-CED outperforms existing methods in the aspects of nodes’ coverage and data collection efficiency.