Digital technologies have gradually affected the way societies interact, how companies deliver services and how people are governed. Policymakers around the world have realized the importance of digital technologies on their countries’ security and autonomy and have issued sovereignty claims regarding cyberspace. The European Union-an actor that aims to ensure that governments, the private sector, civil society organisations and end users around the world promote an open, free, and secure cyberspace-has recently added the concept of digital sovereignty in its political vocabulary. Taking for granted that there is no widely accepted and comprehensive approach regarding digital sovereignty, this paper will analyse the European discourse on digital sovereignty. It will first review the ambiguous concept of sovereignty and then explore the way it can be applied in the European digital domain. The aim is to highlight the dilemmas and constrains that the EU is facing in relation to regulating the digital domain, avoiding technological protectionism, promoting cyber-resilience, and understanding the game of digital geopolitics.