Purpose/Aim of the study: The main purpose of the colonoscopy is screening for colorectal cancers and diagnosis of colorectal disease The cost-effectiveness of colonoscopy directly depend on the adequate bowel preparation. Inadequate colonoscopy is recommended to be re-scheduled within 1 year. Re-scheduling is an economic and patient burden. Thus instead of re-scheduling, another strategy may be attempted. The purpose of this study was to examine the usefulness and effect of the same day repeat colonoscopy after administration of an additional laxative dose.
Materials and Methods
Patients with inadequate colonoscopy were enrolled in the study. The patients eligible for the enrollment were instructed to consume an additional laxative and scheduled in afternoon. The demographic data of the patient, the details of the index and repeat procedures were obtained by a questionnaire.
A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study. The rate of adequate colonoscopy was 80%. Cecum intubation rate was 83.3%. There were no complications due to colonoscopy itself and additional laxatives. The polyp detection rate was 26.6%. The withdrawal time was 6.7 ± 1.34 min.
The results of the present study showed that same day repeat colonoscopy with additional laxative dose can be a safe and effective method for repeat procedure of an inadequate colonoscopy. The patients tolerated and were satisfied with the same day protocol. Quality indicators of colonoscopy such as adenoma detection rate and cecum intubation rate were achieved. Same day bowel cleansing method may be considered as an alternative way rather than re-scheduling inadequate colonoscopy for a later time.