This study sought to examine the effect of internal and external moderation of examination on the quality of examinations in public universities in Kenya. The study also examined the influence of university standards and guidelines on the relationship between internal and external moderation of setting examinations and quality of examinations. The study used the concurrent triangulation research design of mixed method which combines phenomenological research design for qualitative data and cross-sectional survey research design for quantitative data. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to select the sample for the study. A total of 242 respondents were involved in the study. Data collection instruments included questionnaires, interview guides and document analysis. Qualitative data were organized into themes to make meaningful conclusions of the study. The study found a statistically significant relationship between internal and external moderation and quality of examinations. It was found out that internal and external moderation lacked the seriousness it deserved. University standards and guidelines was found to influence the relationship between internal and external moderation on setting examinations and quality of examinations.