Consumers are now showing more concern about the type and quality of meat they buy and consume. This study therefore analyses the effect of quality attribute on meat demand in Ilorin Metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study include to: describe the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, ascertain the most preferred meat product, analyse the quality attributes that are perceived and used by the meat consumers as well as the market outlets from which they purchase the meat products. 134 meat consumers were interviewed and the data obtained was analysed using the descriptive statistics, Likert-type scale and Least Significant Difference (LSD). The result shows that beef was the most preferred meat among the respondents (50%). This was followed by chicken (23.9%). The quality attributes that were perceived and used by the meat consumers in order of their importance were freshness/colour (1st), hygiene of the market outlet (2nd), odour of the meat (3rd) fat deposit (4th), packaging (5th) and price of the product (6th). Open meat shops near abattoir were the most patronized market outlet by the meat consumers in the study area. It was therefore recommended that Sanitary Inspectors and the Veterinary Department of the Nigeria Police within the metropolis should carryout daily routine check on abattoir and abattoir activities to ensure that the standard stipulated for commercial operation is met in the open markets.