Kalaycioglu, T, Apostolopoulos, NC, Goldere, S, Duger, T, and Baltaci, G. Effect of a core stabilization training program on performance of ballet and modern dancers. J Strength Cond Res 34 (4): 1166–1175, 2020—The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a core stabilization training (CST) program on performance of university-level ballet and modern dancers. Twenty-four dancers between the ages of 18 and 24 years participated in the study. Core stabilization training was performed for 45–60 minutes per day, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks. For 2 days, the training was conducted by an experienced physiotherapist, and the other day, each participant exercised on his or her own. Evaluation of physical fitness parameters included vertical jump performance, flexibility, dynamic balance, coordination, proprioception, muscle, and hip flexion isokinetic strength measures. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare pre-and post-test values. Statistically significant increases in vertical jump performance, dynamic balance, proprioception, and coordination parameters between pre-and post-training (p< 0.05) were observed. After the CST program, peak torque values for the hip flexor muscle isokinetic test of the dancers decreased (p< 0.05). Therefore, the results suggest that the CST program might be used to improve several physical fitness parameters such as jumping, proprioception, coordination, and dynamic balance. Such improvements will aid in the development of artistic skills for university modern dancers.