The present investigation was carried out at Instructional Research Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Nagaland University, Nagaland during November 2017-August 2018. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications and seven treatments of different boron sources viz., Agricol 2.5 g, Agricol 5g, Chemibor-P 2.5 g, Chemibor-P 5g, Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate 2.5 g, Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate 5g and control (distilled water). The aqueous solution of boron was applied on the soil at two stages ie., before flowering and at pea stage. Data were collected from NE and SW aspects of the tree canopy. Results revealed that the earliest panicle emergence, minimum number of days for 50% flowering (22.51 and 22.07), days to fruit set (57.27 and 56.82) and days to harvesting from panicle initiation (168.26 and 168.00) were obtained with Agricol (2.5 g) on NE and SW aspects of the canopy respectively. Maximum fruit yield (46.2 and 45.92 kg/tree) significantly increased with Agricol (2.5 g) application. The number of hermaphrodite flower/panicle (208.55 and 207.71), sex ratio/panicle (0.66 and 0.61) and least fruit drop (51.23 and 50.50) were found maximum with application of DOT (2.5 g) The lower concentrations of boron from various sources performed better in the present study.