Beetroot powder was prepared by pre-treating beetroot slices in the mixture of 5% salt and 72.76 Brix sugar at 50.59 C for 3h, and drying in cabinet dryer at 65 C and in microwave oven at 1080 W (optimized conditions), followed by grinding in laboratory mill and sieving with 30 mesh sieve. The time taken to bring the moisture content from 183.77 to 56.36%(db) by convective drying was 6 hours and from 56.36 to 4.65%(db) by microwave finish drying was about 6 min. The powder was stored upto 60 days of storage period in 150 gauge of high density polyethylene (HDPE) as well as laminated aluminum film packages (LAP) at room temperature and low temperature (5 C). Retention of less moisture content, water activity, minimum color degradation, browning index and better sensory characteristics was obtained in samples packed in laminated aluminium package of 150 gauge stored at 5 C. It implied that beetroot powder packed in LAP film packages can be best stored for long term storage under refrigerated conditions without any major loss in quality.