This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Services in Character Development and Student Self-Control SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi. The sub-focus of research is the significance of guidance and counselling services;(B) Implementation Guidance and Counselling Services; and (c) Character.(D) Self-Control. Qualitative research method using a descriptive approach. Data obtained from interviews to the principal, teachers and students of class VIII, literature and documents. The results showed that: 1) Services Guidance and Counselling is very important in the learning process at school, 2) Implementation of Guidance and Counselling service in SMP Negeri 9 are effective, 3) Teacher of Guidance and Counselling six people and professionals in the field of Guidance and Counselling, 4) Teacher of Guidance and Counselling incoming class once a week to provide guidance and counselling services. Principal, subject teachers, are also involved in the formation of character and self-control students.