In today’s fierce competition environment the importance placed on human resources in organizations must increase. Organization’s management works on eliminating all the problems that can affect the efficiency and the quality of employee’s work life negatively. Mobbing is at the top of those problems. A person, who is under mobbing process, gets harassed by his managers or coworkers. And that person who is affected by mobbing goes towards actions which reduces organizational effectiveness such as coming work late, loafing work, quitting or taking long-term leave. Such situations also occur with organizational silence. Organizational silence is employees’ refusal to share their ideas, knowledge and opinions related with work on purpose. The aim of this work is to search the effect of mobbing perceptions of academicians on organizational silence and their performance. Within this aim, academicians work in universities in Konya are taken as a base. In this context, in the sphere of the study, the academicians’ organizational silence increases when they face any kind of mobbing (with all its sub-components), and besides it has been confirmed that they lose their performance at work. Although Admissible Silence and Silence for Defense Purposes, which are sub-divisions of Organizational Silence, have negative effect on employee’s performance, Silence for Organizational Benefits has positive effect on employee’s performance at work.