The kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is a large, flightless, nocturnal parrot, endemic to New Zealand. It is critically endangered, with a world population of ca. 62 individuals and a male-biased adult sex ratio. The species has a polygynous “lek” mating system and adult males typically weigh 30–40% more than females. The kakapo is subject to intensive conservation efforts, including the provision of supplementary food to wild birds to encourage successful nesting. There is mounting evidence that, in polygynous species with large variance of male reproductive success, females in better condition may maximise their fitness by producing more offspring of the larger, more costly sex to be reared. We used data on the sex ratio of progeny of female kakapo that had or had not received supplementary food, to test the hypothesis that supplementary feeding might cause a male-biased offspring sex ratio. There was a significant excess of males in the clutches of females provided with supplementary food, suggesting that changes need to be made to the feeding regime to increase recruitment of females. This is an example of applying evolutionary theory to a practical conservation problem.