endorectal ultrasonography (EUS) in preoperative staging of rectal cancer, and to compare
the efficacy of 3-dimensional (3D) EUS with that of 2-dimensional (2D) EUS and computed
tomography (CT). METHODS: Eighty-six consecutive rectal cancer patients undergoing
curative surgery were evaluated by 2D EUS, 3D EUS, and CT scan. RESULTS: The
accuracy in T-staging was 78% for 3D EUS, 69% for 2D EUS, and 57% for CT (P<. 001 …
LM Farkas - Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 2007 - utsouthwestern.elsevierpure.com
Efficacy of 3-dimensional endorectal ultrasonography compared with conventional
ultrasonography and computed tomography in preoperative rectal cancer staging:
Commentary — University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center … Efficacy of 3-dimensional
endorectal ultrasonography compared with conventional ultrasonography and computed
tomography in preoperative rectal cancer staging: Commentary …