Egg characteristics have been used to determine egg maternity for birds in situations where two or more females lay eggs in a single nest (as in communal breeders and intraspecific parasites). We assessed the applicability of egg morphometry and eggshell appearance in ascribing egg ownership in communal clutches of guira cuckoos Guira guira, a species where up to seven females may lay eggs in a joint nest. We used both combined variables (including egg mass, length, width, shape and two eggshell variables), and a shape index to test whether eggs laid by each female were similar but different from eggs laid by other females. Also, we conducted discriminant function analyses to verify if eggs could be correctly classified to their mothers based on their characteristics. The correct maternity was determined by yolk protein electrophoresis of freshly‐laid eggs. Individual female chutches were separated through egg characteristics or shape alone in 29% and 41% of the groups tested, respectively. Differences were mostly due to a single female that differed from her nest‐mates in a unique egg variable. On average, 55% of the eggs analyzed were not assigned to the correct mother using egg dimensions and eggshell speckling pattern. In conclusion, the egg characteristics used do not reliably indicate maternity in guira cuckoo communal clutches. We therefore recommend a protein‐based verification of egg appearance characteristics for assigning maternity in other species in which multiple female laying occurs.