This paper aimed to investigate emotional distress related to hazards (EDH) considering appraisals and personal resources from cognitive appraisal theory in a sample of Bucharest inhabitants periodically exposed to earthquakes (EQ). The sample consisted of 336 respondents (M = 33.71 years old, SD = 13.71, 64.6% females). The hierarchical regression model revealed that discomfort of living space, a personal resource, was the strongest predictor of EDH (β = .18, t(313) = 3.09, p < .01), closely followed by appraisals or risk perception variables: hazards anticipation (β = .17, t(316) = 2.11, p < .05) and negative EQ consequences (β = .13, t(316) = 2.28, p < .05). The overall model explained 17% of the variance of EDH. This study shows that the cognitive appraisal theory can be successfully used to explain the EDH of citizens living in an earthquake-prone city. Also, it emphasizes that earthquake-related factors can be relevant when discussing EDH levels of people in cities experiencing recurrent earthquakes.