Wienerindex and energy of Γ(Zn ) where n = pq or n = p2q and p, q are primes. A MATLAB code for our calculations is also presented. … By the zero-divisorgraph of R, denoted Γ(R), we mean the graph whose vertices are the nonzero zero-divisors of R and for distinct r,s in Z*(R), there is an edge connecting r and s if and only if rs = 0. We use M(Γ(R)) to denote adjacency matrix of Γ(R) [3]. Consider Zn, the set of integers modulo n. …
Let R be a commutative ring and (R) be its zerodivisor graph. In this article, we study Wiener index and energy of Γ(Zn ) where n = pq or n = p2q and p, q are primes. A MATLAB code for our calculations is also presented.