Mobile devices have been increased exceptionally in recent years, consequently data generation has also been raised exceptionally. Most of the data generated by mobile devices is transferred to servers for processing and storage. Managing security of mobile data is a necessary feature of every network and mostly encryption is used to avoid security breaches. The major challenge is that, mobile devices are very small with shortage of resources, on the other hand encryption of data requires extra energy. It is necessary to minimize energy requirements for encryption of data. For this experimental research, an android based application is developed, which optimize energy requirements for both single and double encryption techniques. AES and Blowfish encryption algorithms are used with different files sizes to test the energy requirements for single encryption, it is also examined that energy consumed by Blowfish is 119.311% more than AES. For double encryption methods, AES–Blowfish, Blowfish–AES and XTS–AES combinations of algorithms are used and energy usage is gathered. In double encryption XTS–AES consumed 13.26% less power consumption as compared to AES–Blowfish and 44.97% less then Blowfish–AES combination methods. Results of experiments revealed that AES is more energy efficient for single encryption and for double encryption XTS–AES combination requires less energy.