Coral reef ecosystems in the Persian Gulf are frequently exposed to crude oil spills. We investigated benthic bacterial and eukaryote community structures at such coral reef sites subjected to different degrees of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollution using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. Both bacterial and eukaryote communities responded with pronounced shifts to crude oil pollution and distinguished control sites, moderately and heavily impacted sites with significant confidentiality. The observed community patterns were predominantly driven by Alphaproteobacteria and metazoans. Among these, we identified individual genera that were previously linked to oil spill stress, but also taxa, for which a link to hydrocarbon still remains to be established. Considering the lack of an early-warning system for the environmental status of coral reef ecosystems exposed to frequent crude-oil spills, our results encourage further research towards the development of an eDNA-based biomonitoring tool that exploits benthic bacterial and eukaryote communities as bioindicators.