This study was aimed to assess genetic parameters for 13 traits in heifers and first-parity Holstein dairy cows. Data consisted of calving and insemination dates of 14,707 Holstein dairy cows in Isfahan province of Iran. Reproductive traits included age at first service (AFS), first service to conception (FSTC), gestation length (GL), age at first calving (AFC), calving to first service (CTFS), days open (DO), calving interval (CI), number of services per conception (NS), and non-return rate at 56 days (NRR). Model equations were optimized using GLM procedure in SAS package following genetic analysis using animal models in ASREML software. Minimum and maximum departure from normal distribution for phenotypic records belonged to AFS, NRR, GL, DO, CI and AFC, NS, FSTC, CTFS, respectively. Estimated heritability varied from 0.002 (NRR) to 0.184 (GL) in heifers and from 0.003 (NRR) to 0.153 (GL) in first-parity cows. AFS, CTFS, and GL were noticeably heritable compared to other assessed traits. Estimated absolute additive genetic correlations were in the range of 0.01 (NRR and AFS) and 0.99 (NRR and NS) in heifers and 0.07 (GL and CI) to 1 (FSTC and CI) in cows. Additive genetic correlations were antagonistic between AFS and other traits, except AFC. Interestingly, NRR which has been included in sire catalogs had the highest average absolute genetic associations with other traits.