Due to the fact that Bingöl province is at the intersection of the North Anatolian Fault and the Eastern Anatolian Fault, the seismicity of the region is important. In this study, probabilistic seismic hazard analyzes (PSHA) were conducted to cover the boundaries of Bingöl province. It occurred since 1900, the seismicity of the region was obtained statistically by considering the earthquake records with a magnitude greater than 4 and the Gutenberg-Richter correlation. In the study, magnitude-frequency relationship, seismic hazard and repetition periods were obtained for certain time periods (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75 and 100 years). Once a project area determined in this study, which may affect the peak ground acceleration according to various attenuation relationships are calculated and using the Turkey Earthquake Hazard Map, average acceleration value for Bingöl province were determined. As a result of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, the project earthquakes with a probability of exceeding 50 years indicate that the magnitude of the project earthquake is 7.4 and that the province is in a risky area in terms of seismicity. The repetition periods of earthquakes of 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5 are 42, 105, 266 and 670 years respectively. Within the province of Bingöl; the probability of exceeding 50 years is 2%, 10% and 50%, while the peak ground acceleration values are 1.03 g, 0.58 g and 0.24 g. As a result, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis shows that the seismicity of the region is high and the importance of considering the earthquake effect during construction is emphasized for this region.