In Togo, family planning (FP) use remains low; only 24.1% of married woman ages 15 to 49 use modern FP. The West Africa Breakthrough ACTION (WABA) project developed the Confiance Totale radio campaign, which used a Saturation+ approach to encourage FP use. This study presents the results of an evaluation of Confiance Totale which investigates associations between campaign exposure and outcomes of interest. Following the broadcasts, the team conducted a cross-sectional household survey among 2,200 respondents ages 18 to 49. Combined and sex-stratified multivariable models predicting outcomes of interest controlled for sex, age, site, marital status, educational attainment, religion, and economic status. Upon hearing a campaign jingle, approximately 45% of participants had heard the campaign. Exposure to the campaign was associated with many ideational and behavioral outcomes including current use of a facility-dependent FP method (OR = 1.77, p < .001). In stratified models, several outcomes were significantly associated with exposure in the women-only models but not in the men-only models. Exposure to Confiance Totale was associated with nearly all ideational and behavioral outcomes of interest, particularly among women. This demonstrates that high dosage broadcasting may be effective in promoting confidence in the health system and improving perceptions of FP.