Recent researches indicated that the topography is one of the factors affecting the wave propagation pattern (i.e., the amplification or de-amplification). In recent years, many researchers investigated the effect of the tunnels on the wave propagation pattern in the free-field. Although in the construction of the roads in mountainous areas, tunneling for passing through slopes is unavoidable, the role of the tunnel in seismic behavior of slopes has been less concerned. In this study, the structural behavior of the tunnel lining and the amplification pattern in slopes in the presence of horseshoe tunnels, subjected to Ricker incident in-plane shear wave (SV), has been evaluated using the ABAQUS software. Several parameters affecting this phenomenon are accounted for such as the overburden, the distance of tunnels from the slope surface, and the dip angle of slope and bedrock. Results show that the presence of the horseshoe tunnels has a significant effect on the seismic response of the slopes. In comparison to the free-field, the amplitude of the seismic response was increased approximately 30 and 70% for the upstream and the inclined surface of the slope, respectively.