effectiveness and safety for treatment of chronic pain, PTSD, TBI, opioid addiction, and
sexual trauma. Methods: To identify studies, we searched MEDLINE®, Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and other sources
up to August 2020. We used prespecified criteria for study selection, data abstraction, and
rating internal validity and strength of the evidence. See our PROSPERO protocol for our full …
J Anderson, NJ Parr - 2020 - hsrd.research.va.gov
4 (systematic review. ti. or meta-analysis. pt. or meta-analysis. ti. or systematic literature
review. ti. or this systematic review. tw. or pooling project. tw. or (systematic review. ti, ab.
and review. pt.) or meta synthesis. ti. or meta-analy*. ti. or integrative review. tw. or
integrative research review. tw. or rapid review. tw. or umbrella review. tw. or consensus
development conference. pt. or practice guideline. pt. or drug class reviews. ti. or cochrane
database syst rev. jn. or acp journal club. jn. or health technol assess. jn. or evid rep technol …