This study experimentally investigates the mechanism of deterioration for the bond between CFRP plate and concrete due to moisture attack. The debonding failure in the concrete structures with externally bonded FRP has two major modes: cohesive failure in the concrete surface layer and adhesion failure at the adhesive/concrete interface. A modified double cantilever beam (MDCB) test was used to measure the interfacial fracture energy for the CFRP plate debonding from concrete substrate under Mode I loading. A simple method was developed to measure the value of interface region relative humidity (IRRH). The relation between IRRH and the bond fracture energy was then obtained. By quantitatively measuring the residual thickness of concrete (RTC) on the detached plate, it was found that RTC was directly related to the value of IRRH. Based on the experimental data, a constitutive relation between RTC and IRRH was obtained. Using this relation and virtual crack closure technique (VCCT), the bond fracture energy was numerically determined as a function of IRRH for the FRP/concrete bond joints. It was found that when the IRRH value was greater than 55%, the deterioration of fracture energy was accelerated. When the IRRH was greater than 75%, the fracture energy tended to become steady, and did not change significantly with the increases of IRRH.