through diallel mating design along with four checks viz., Pratap QPM Hybrid-1, Vivek QPM-
9, HQPM-1 and HQPM-5 were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications
for seventeen traits during kharif-2014, to identify the heterotic superiority of the New cross
combinations over the parents and best check. Out of 45 crosses, 42 crosses over mid
parent, 37 crosses over better parent and 6 crosses over standard check (HQPM-5) …
Forty-five single-cross hybrids developed from ten inbred lines of quality protein maize
through diallel mating design along with four checks viz., Pratap QPM Hybrid-1, Vivek QPM-
9, HQPM-1 and HQPM-5 were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications
for seventeen traits during kharif-2014, to identify the heterotic superiority of the New cross
combinations over the parents and best check. Out of 45 crosses, 42 crosses over mid
parent, 37 crosses over better parent and 6 crosses over standard check (HQPM-5) …