This study aim to explore and review the literacy of tables and graphs for statistics students at Universitas Negeri Makassar. To obtain this aim, descriptive analysis conducted on the students results of table and graph literacy test. This study is importance for leading statistical learning tendency which emphasis on technical procedures with much mathematical formula. From this exploration, we can identify weaknesses that must be looked for solutions, particularly would improve learning of tables and graphs literacy to improve student's visualization and communication skills. Indicators of tables and graphs literacy have four domains, namely:(1) understanding tables and graphs concepts,(2) the ability of tables and graphs application,(3) skills of making table and graph, and (4) the accuracy of tables and graphs interpretations. The four domains are mapped according to grade of student. Mapping of table and graph literacy will be the basis of statistical learning strategies. Conclusion of the data analysis that the level of achievement scores of students in understanding the concept of the tables and graphs is still low (≤ 43%), the ability of tables application is still too low (41%), but for the ability of graphics applications is slightly higher (58%). Furthermore, the skills to make the table is still very low (25%), but for the skills to make the graph is slightly higher (59%). The general conclusion that the achievement score of statistics students of students batches 2013, 2014 and 2015 was still below the expectations. Thus, learning strategies need to be formulated to improve every aspect of learning in statistics courses.