Twenty one Trichoderma isolates were obtained from rhizosphere of well grown chickpea plants. Preliminary identification of genus Trichoderma made based on cultural and morphological characters. All Trichoderma isolates were evaluated against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Foc), incitant of Fusarium wilt of chickpea under in vitro conditions by dual culture method. The results revealed that, maximum percentage of inhibition (48.44%) was observed in the isolate Tr-20, followed by Tr-6 (45.74%) and Tr-1 (44.02) which are statistically on par with each other and superior over other isolates. The next effective isolates wasTr-10 which recorded inhibition percentage of 37.52%. Four potential Trichoderma isolates (Tr-1, Tr-6, Tr-10 and Tr-20) selected based on their efficacy and screened for production of IAA, phosphate solubilization, HCN, chitinases and cellulases. All potential isolates were able to produce IAA, HCN, chitinases and cellulases. Further these isolates were identified at molecular level based on ITS region by using ITS-1 and ITS-4 primers. Approximately 600 bp PCR amplified product was obtained from each isolate and sequence analysis results indicated that these isolates (Tr-1, Tr-6, Tr-10 and Tr-20) were more close to Trichoderma asperellum sequences. Phylogenetic tree was constructed for all four isolates by comparison with other similar sequences. The isolate T.asperellum (Tr-6) was used in field evaluation and fungicide, fluorescent Pseudomonad were also used in different treatment combinations. Among them, T6 (combination of fungicide, Trichoderma and fluorescent Pseudomonad) performed better in wilt (%) reduction with good yields and can be recommended for management of wilt disease. The treatment T2 (seed treatment and soil application of Trichoderma) also perfomed better apart from others and recommended for wilt disease management in organic chickpea cultivation. Thus, Trichoderma isolate (Tr-6) was found as effective for management of Fusariumwilt under field conditions and considered as a good bioagent for soil borne disease management.