Methods: The program contained: introduction to medicine courses, different approaches to studying medicine including basic sciences, introduction to university and academic organization, methods of using library and scientific sources, interrelationship with senior student, strengthening responsibility moods. The workshop consisted of teamwork and general discussion sessions. Also, they were asked to answer the question that how should they attempt to become an informed and successful physician in the future.
Results: Over ٩٠ percent of participants were satisfied with their attendance in the workshop. Also, they demanded the continuation of running such workshops in different stages of their study years. The students estimated now–a-day medical education far from acceptable and optimal situation.
Conclusions: It seems that assessing and meeting and meeting student's needs, especially in the first year of their study is very essential. Also, trying to find the causes of gradual frustration of medical students requires organized action by the educational authorities. Students themselves are considered as a strong, open minded and creative source of knowledge for solving their own problems. Performing such workshop by itself met some needs of medical students.