Fast dissolving tablets (FDTs) have received ever-increasing demand during the last decade, and the field has become a rapidly growing area in the pharmaceutical industry. Fast dissolving drug delivery systems (FDDDSs) are the system which disintegrate and release the active ingredient quickly and that do not require water to aid swallowing. In the conditions (pediatric and geriatric patients, difficulty in swallowing, uncooperative patients), where the traditional tablets and capsules administration is inconvenient, the fast dissolving/disintegrating tablets are perfect alternative. Regardless of different advancements in drug delivery, the oral route remains the perfect route for the administration of therapeutic agents because the low cost of therapy and ease of administration lead to high levels of patient compliance. Recently, Fast dissolving drug delivery systems have started gaining popularity and receiving as one such example with amplified consumer choice, for the reason of speedy disintegration or dissolution, self administration even without water or chewing. This can be achieved by various conventional methods like direct compression, wet granulation, moulding, spray drying, freeze drying, and sublimation. Some patented technologies are also there to formulate this dosage form such as Zydis technology, Wowtab technology, Orasolv technology, Durasolv technology, and Flash Dose technology etc. Taste of the drug is one of the most important parameters which should be taken in account for the development of FDTs. Oral administration of bitter drugs with an acceptable degree of palatability can be achieved by taste masking approach. For masking the obnoxious taste of the drug different polymers bring into play for coating, different resins utilize for complex formation, sweeteners and flavors draw on in direct compression while formulating