Over the past decade, the preparation and fabrication of nanostructured materials have attracted much interest for fundamental scientific research as well as industrial applications such as nanoelectric devices,([1]) high-density magnetic memories,([2]) high-performance catalysts,([3]) and biomaterial separation membranes.([4]) Among the various fabrication methods, the template method employing a nanoporous material as a reaction template is a very simple and facile approach because templates are well-defined and their lengths and diameters can be easily controlled.([5,6]) In particular, anodic aluminum oxide (AAO), which has nanometer-size channels (ca. 20-250 nm in diameter) with high pore density (up to 10(10) cm(-2)) and controllable channel length,([7,8]) has been used to prepare various nanoscaled materials such as nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes of metals,([6.9]) semiconductors,([10]) ([11]) metal oxides, carbon nanotubes (CNTs)([12]), polymers,([13]) and some organic molecules.([14])