… topology as we have shown this recently in [62n]: There is a left-separated nonmetrizable space with point-countable base which is perfectly normal and paracompact in any of its finite …
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… It follows that A is dense in every κ-bounded topology on G. Hence, if G can be partitioned … For a partition P of G, we denote by P∧P−1 the partition of G into the cells {A∩B−1 : A, B ∈ P}…
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… A topology on X is called a partitiontopology if it possesses a base which is a … If X is a finite set, the lattice of regular topologies on X is precisely the lattice of partitiontopologies on X. [46…
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… To the unique partition with ~=i there corresponds in the formula for ~o(~] the summand ~V(~… [ , where p is a prime, we have the partition with n~--i and two other partitions (~i] and C[~p) …
… By a natural level order, we mean a partial order on n whose level partition satisfies Li = {WI-,+I,..., m, } where m, = 0 and mi = mi- , + ni. It is evident that such a partial order is always a …
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… of the m poirtts of C one of the par~s of a given partition of V~ into m parts. Thus, there are S('*~, … those integers which appear in that part of the partition of V,~ which is assigned to the rth …