Background: Explored botanically from the 19th century, the Sierra de Chiconquiaco is recognized for its large vegetal and topographical heterogeneity. However, the available floristic information is sparse and its geographic characteristics remain undefined. The objective of this study was therefore to integrate floristic, vegetal and geographic information in order to identify areas that have experienced floristic exploration as well as potential sites for conservation. Question: Under which criteria can the Sierra be geographically delimited? What kind of floristic and vegetational studies have been carried out? How many species of plants have been registered? Which sites have been more widely explored? Which of them have conservation and research potentials? Study site and years of study: Sierra de Chiconquiaco, Veracruz, Mexico, 2010-2014. Methods: A bibliographical and records review of the XAL and MEXU herbariums, works and field survey were carried out. Through analysis of geomorphological attributes in a geographic information system, the boundaries of the Sierra were established, revealing an area of 3,632 km2, featuring 22 municipalities and an altitudinal range of 50 to 3,000 m a.s.l. Results: Seven vegetation types were described, as well as a floristic list of 3,016 species, including 72 type localities, 36 endemics, 57 registered in the NOM-059, 2010 and 195 in the CITES. Conclusions: Nine potential areas for conservation of flora were detected, as well as six that were scarcely documented in the herbaria. This study provides a relevant contribution to the knowledge, use and conservation of the vegetal resources of Mexico.