The paper considers the problems of regulating the processes of projects for the development of high-tech enterprises. An approach to the formalized representation of processes based on set theory, graph theory and functional modeling has been developed. As an example, the problem of formalizing the process of creating technological project documentation is considered. For this, a set of input, output data, regulatory documents and basic operations, update and exit functions are formed. It is noted that all implementations of the update function form a single process database. For a separate implementation, it is shown how the input data is refined based on the requirements of regulatory documents, templates of technological documents are formed, an algorithm and a web-oriented module for accessing the database to select a set of document templates are presented. The function of outputs has been formed. Its tabular and graphical representations made it possible to move to a functional model of the process, which determines the sequence of its implementation and the rules for converting input information into output, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.